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Cost Reduction in the Supply Chain.

The competitiveness of a company is directly related to its profitability. One of the alternatives, if not the main one, to increase profitability is the reduction of costs in the supply chain.

Although it may not be an easy task, is extremely necessary. The reduction of costs in the supply chain, in addition to maximizing the added value of a final product, can provide a reduction in the price to the ultimate consumer, making the product more competitive in the market.

  A great ally of companies to reduce costs in the supply chain is the Big Bag. The use of Big Bags provides a cost reduction in the processes of stock packaging, packaging, transport and storage of products. Companies that use another form of storage, such as drums and IBCs, can obtain a reduction of costs exceeding 50 %, only by replacing these containers with big bags.

The use of big bags in the supply chain, in addition to provide a considerable reduction in costs compared to other containers such as sacks, drums and IBC, has many other advantages such as: greater cargo capacity, reduction of workforce, fast loading and unloading time, minimized risk of waste flows, greater protection against contamination, reduction of freight costs, increase transportation and storage security, greater use of available storage spaces and being 100% recyclable.


Currently, EmbTec has different models of Big Bags for the transportation of dangerous and non-hazardous cargoes, certified by ANTT 420 / ANTT 5232 and NBR 16029, respectively.

 For more information about our Big Bags, please visit the “Our products” section in our website www.embtec.com.br


Tags: Big Bags, costs reduction, packaging, supply chain, drums, IBC.

Conheça nossos Big Bags

  • FIBC (Big Bag) with filling- and discharge spout
  • FIBC (Big Bag) with skirt and flat botton
  • FIBC (Big Bag) with skirt and discharge spout

Baixe nossos Materiais Gratuitos

  • Ebook Atualização da NBR 14725/2023
  • Reduza custo com tambores
  • E-book Manual de Segurança e utilização do Big Bag
  • E-book, Big Bag para transporte de produtos perigosos - Manual do comprador
  • Calcule o Tamanho do Big Bag
  • E-book Tudo Sobre Big Bags
  • Ebook Atualização da NBR 16725/2023
  • Ebook Grátis NBR 7500